A spicy condiment used as either a base for cooking, or as a garnish to add spice to your meal. Harrissa remains a staple in the Moroccan kitchen, much like Ketchup, Tabasco or Siracha is for many American homes. Though some key ingredients remain essential to every Harissa recipe, variances do exist setting some apart from the other. Villa Jerada's harissa stands out amongst other brands because of its unique flavor as well as because of its quality.
Unfortunately, most brands on the shelf are use vegetable oil instead of olive oil, a lot of water and salt. On the contrary, Villa Jerada's has almost a half preserved lemon per jar and an abundance of fresh harvest certified organic extra virgin Moroccan olive oil. In fact, you can tell just by the color. The peppers used are extremely red and blackened yet the final result is a beautiful orange brick harissa due to the amount of green olive oil and preserved lemons added. Finally, there remains a huge difference between what is made for big commercial stores versus what is made artisanally. What Villa Jerada has done with this Moroccan harissa is bottle up their Mamma's Moroccan Harissa and shared that with the consumer by putting it in a jar.
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